Wednesday, January 27, 2010

TIP: Israel Continues to Provide Aid to Gaza

Reported on TIP

Israel Continues to Provide Aid to Gaza

By the Numbers: Breakdown of Israel’s Facilitation of Aid to Gaza

Israel continues to deliver aid and supplies through its border crossings for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. On Jan. 25, Israel sent 68 truckloads of humanitarian aid through the goods crossings from Israel into Gaza.[1] From Jan. 19, 2009 – Jan. 16, 2010, 724,925 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to Gaza.[2] That represents a 900 percent increase in humanitarian aid delivered there compared to 2008.[3]

In addition, on Jan. 23, Israeli authorities authorized the transfer of $6.7 million (25 million shekels) to Gaza residents entitled to social security and pension payments from Israel for their work inside Israel in previous years.[4]

By the Numbers: Breakdown of Israel’s Facilitation of Aid to Gaza

• 900: Percent increase in humanitarian aid delivered to Gaza in 2009, compared to 2008.[5]

• 724,925: Tons of humanitarian aid delivered to the Gaza Strip, Jan. 19, 2009 – Jan. 16, 2010.[6]

• 29 million gallons (110 million liters): Heavy-duty diesel fuel for the Gaza power station delivered to the Gaza Strip since Jan. 19, 2009.[7]

• 10,346: Gaza residents who entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons, Jan.19 – Nov. 7, 2009.[8]

• 11,508 tons: Monthly average of humanitarian aid entering Gaza from February – June 2008, a period of intense rocket fire prior to Israel’s defensive operation in Gaza.[9]

• 34,253 tons: Monthly average of humanitarian aid entering Gaza during period of calm July - December 2008 just before Israel’s defensive operation in Gaza.[10]

• 18,500: Permits Israel issued to Gaza residents to enter Israel or travel overseas in 2009.[11]

• 3,500: Blankets provided by the United Nations for Palestinian civilians during Operation Cast Lead; the blankets which were subsequently stolen by Hamas.[12]

• 400: Food deliveries provided by the UN for Palestinian civilians during Operation Cast Lead; the food was then stolen by Hamas.[13]

• 1.3 million: Carnations exported from Gaza via Israel to the EU as of Jan. 17, 2010.[14]

• 41: Tons of strawberries exported from Gaza via Israel to the EU as of Jan. 17, 2010.[15]

• 28,400: Flowers from Gaza exported to Europe on Dec. 10, 2009.[16]

• $6.7 million (25 million shekels): Money authorized for transfer on Jan. 24, 2010 to Gaza residents entitled to social security and pension payments from Israel.[17]

[1] “Humanitarian aid scheduled to cross into the Gaza Strip,” IDF Spokesperson’s Office, Jan. 25, 2010,

[2] COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories, Ministry of Defense, “Increased humanitarian aid to Gaza after IDF operation,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jan. 16, 2010,

[3] Ibid.

[4] Eldar, Akiva, “Barak approves social security payments to Gaza residents,” Haaretz, Jan. 24, 2010,

[5] “Increased humanitarian aid to Gaza after IDF operation,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jan. 16, 2009,

[6] Ibid.

[7] Ibid.

[8] “Increased humanitarian aid to Gaza after IDF operation,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dec. 4, 2009,

[9] Ibid.

[10] Ibid.

[11] Ibid.

[12] “Hamas police 'seize aid for Gaza',” BBC, Feb. 4, 2009,

[13] “Hamas police 'seize aid for Gaza',” BBC, Feb. 4, 2009,

[14] “Two crossings open; Gaza strawberries en route to France,” Ma’an, Jan. 18, 2010,

15] “Two crossings open; Gaza strawberries en route to France,” Ma’an, Jan. 18, 2010,

16] "Israel allows flower shipments from Gaza to Europe," Xinhua, Dec. 10, 2009,

[17] Eldar, Akiva, “Barak approves social security payments to Gaza residents,” Haaretz, Jan. 24, 2010,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ynet News: Israeli guides may work in Bethlehem, Jericho

This article is a good example of how friendship on a daily need can establish a small bridge of friendship. And this is even prior peace.

The article as published on Ynet News:

About 50 Jewish, Druze tour guides to take part in Tourism Ministry pilot tour in Palestinian territories

Danny Sadeh Published: 01.26.10, 15:39

Israeli tour guides will be able to travel to Jericho and Bethlehem with groups of tourists and guide them in the Palestinian Authority territories, as recently approved by the Central Command chief and head of the Civil Administration at the Tourism Ministry's request. About 50 Jewish and Druze tour guides are expected to take part in a pilot tour.

The guides will be invited to a conference in which all the procedures and guidelines about entering Area A will be explained to them, and they'll sign a commitment to abide by all the rules of movement in the area.

According to the Tourism Ministry, some 400 guides have asked to take part in the program. Ministry officials noted that it was important for tourists to receive professional guidance even when they move into the PA territories.

Yaakov Miterani, head of the Israel Tour Guides Association, expressed his reservations over the decision: "The military order against entering the PA applies to all Israeli citizens. It’s strange that the guides' safety and wellbeing is being put at risk. Does a scenario in which a tour guide is hurt or kidnapped appear imaginary? We demand to hear the defense officials and minister's stand on this matter."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Israeli field hospital in Haiti

Shalom, Assalamualaikum.

As an Israeli and a Jew, I cannot standby and feel the desire to show the great friendship our nation can provide to others. Some may claim that the Talmud is teaching the Jews to discriminate help to gentiles (non Jews) during our holy day of Shabbat (Saturday). Many ignorant and not ignorant may believe that it is true. I’ll not go into its interpretation if this is right or false. Bottom line, we help gentiles on our holy day and violate the Shabbat halt of any work. The Israeli team is continuing their work in the field hospital in Haiti and their rescue teams kept digging under the buildings wreckage, among them the most religious Jews of ZAKA organization.

The hospital Israel sent to Haiti was transported using two big airplanes (Jumbo 747) that were carrying the team and the most sophisticated medical equipment. The hospital has its all needed sections as same as a normal hospital. All that arrived from the other side of the globe.

I know that some of you would ask why we aren’t doing the same for the Palestinians. I’m sure we would do it if they would accept it. I’ll not enter into that political corner since this is not the main issue of this article.

People would say that the aid we provide is used for political reasons. But probably those people would say the same if Israel wouldn’t send its aid to Haiti. Providing the aid maybe related or not related to politics. Is this really important? Isn’t it more important the lives that have been saved and the treating of the sick and wounded?

It is not the first time for the Israelis to provide such a help to countries who suffered disasters like earthquakes. Helping aid was sent to Turkey and even to Indonesia. Of course the Indonesians required removing any labels or stickers that may identify the aid with Israel. The Israelis did it and sent the aid as required to Indonesia. The labels are not the main issue. The main issue is the helping hand and the possible friendship.

People need that friendship. It starts with the basic matter of survival and later it may end with a normal daily friendship.

I have added some video clips of the activities of the Israeli field hospital in Haiti. It is really touching.

Other readers are welcomed to send their “national” stories of friendship they provided to Haiti.

Let’s promote friendship.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mr. Anonymous Malaysian Jew story (chapter 2)

Mr. Anonymous Malaysian Jew continues his story and floods light about the Malaya Jews from his personal perspective.

The article is published as is. I hope for more interesting chapters from Mr. Anonymous Malaysian Jew. I have a feeling that he is preserving an abandoned chapter of the Jewish nation in the Diaspora. I’m glad to provide my web blog to be the proper arena for that purpose.

It might be an issue for arguments, but we cannot ignore what that person feels and what he passed along his life. It is absolutely a personal perspective that is shared with the readers.

Dear Hanan

I wrote one just now, here as it is very put this up.....I am going to speak to HaShem now. I am going to the woods....


A Jew by birth, a Jew by choice, and an errant Jew. So what are the libel chronic acceptable standards attached with these labels? These libel- labels are questions that are frequently posed by the society, over the very existence of the Jews. Most of the time these questions are question of the self- esteem of a Jew. At times it boosts our confidence, toward achieving inner-strength but most of the time it is a suppression of our Jewish existence. There are other labels attached to our necks, such as a Zionist Jew, Religious Jew, Haredi Jew, Secular Jew, Rebellious Jew, Useless Jew, Plain Hebrew, Wandering Jew, Lost Jew, Black Jew, White Jew and many other name callings. The labels enter as an addition to the vocabulary that fills the hotchpots of terms throughout the ages. It has been a horror to PEACE and also a horror to freedom and existence of every Jew.

Where did the term Jew came from? Who created the term Jew? I now of the Southern kingdom Judah, the, people of Judah, The Province of Judea (created by the Romans by political and social engineering to gain autonomy over the People of Judah (Judea). This is all old history for some and even a non- issues as time has passed and no longer of relevance. But in the Jewish believe system these are diabolism perpetrated over the ages. The Anti-Semitism by label - libels goes on to this date.

So where is Peace in this entire name calling? Must Peace precede understanding or is it Friendship should precede Peace. Is there a place for Jews like me to speak up? The “Ynet” gave me the space to speak to voice my opinion. Singapore opened the doors for me. Where is the wisdom of brotherhood in humanity for Jews like me? Media manipulation and political talk by statesman has always used these libel and name calling against the Jewish People in Israel and in the Diaspora. I was born in Malaysia and grew up there. I read Malaysian History, I say how histories footing took precedent over the policy and nation building in Malaysia. I read the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, which was good in theory, but very much far from the actual constitution of the country. It was all a necessary formula for Malaysia. The constitution protected a favorable and selected group of Malaysian. The question is what the position of Jews in Malaysia was. Well, Jews were displaced and forgotten. Jews like me who grow up thinking, we are Malaysian, at our early age were too young to understand the vicious culpable formula of the constitution in practice. It was the same formula of the Nazi, forming over the years from one leader ship to another. The First The Bapa Malaysia, the second Tun Razak, the Third Onn bin Jafar, the best Tun Dr, Mahathir , next came PaK Lah, and now Mr. Najib Tun Razak.

So what was happening to the Jews of Malaysia during these various eras of Leadership in Malaysia? It is a common information that Jew were said to have settled in Penang Malaysia. Malaysian Jews are just a TERMINOLOGY used to describe that Jews did once upon a time lived there ONLY IN PENANG. It also refers to the understanding that such term refers to Jews who originally form Penang and Penang EXCLUSIVELY. And this is followed by another misconceived idea that Jews were also found elsewhere in Kuala Lumpur and Melaka. Everyone forgot about the Jews in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, and the Old Market Street. The business place along the Old Jalan Paul (which was the name Jalan Paul was abolished by the State Town and Planning Unit and the Menteri Besar office of Negeri Sembilan). In Seremban, there were not only jews of oriental origin ( Baghdadi), but there were Kaifeng Jews too( Chinese Jews ) .The Kaifeng Jews were living along the mountain areas of Rahang Seremban, one of the famous house of the Jews were the House of Eliahu. This house of Eliahu was not the 9th century history of the Jews; or it was not related to the Bujang Valley, it is not about the 18 century Arabic- Jewish bazaars of Melaka, please. The British entre port brought in by trading activities. It is in that era of the 19 century families like Sassoons, Meyers lived. The Ottoman Oppression in Baghdad between 1817 and 1831 brought in the Armenian Jews. There were also Turkish Jews or the Istanbul Jews. I am not going to talk about the great names like Ezekiel, Aaron, and Manasseh. I am not going talk about the evacuated Jewish families to Singapore in during the Japanese Occupation. I am not going talk about Jews of Malaysia that had immigrated to Singapore, Australia, Israel, Latin America, Turkey, Belgium, South Africa- the Cape. I am not going to talk about the Jalan Nagore. I am not going to talk about the long renamed and forgotten Yahudi Road with the new name Jlaan Zainal Abidin. I am not going to talk about the old Jewish cemetery. Of course nobody would remember the Mrs. Shoshanna Levi and the House of Eliahu of Seremban. Nobody remembers the Cohens; we been calling for these names but none come out. We been calling for Eliahu Hayeem, the Victors, the remnants of The 9th Jat Regiment of the British Indian Army just before Eliahu arrived after the Japanese occupation through the very old road travelled by Mr. Lee Kwan Yew. In His book the memoirs of Lee Kwan Yew, the only brilliant Mr. Lee, alluded; only Jews like me could understand because I look at evidence, as I was taught by Prof Jeffery Pinsler and Prof Chin of University of Singapore. So we have evidence starring at us from every angle in the Memoirs of my Mr. Lee Kwan Yew about the road travelled by named and renowned Jews .I stop here now as I am feeling sad and emotional already.

Hanan, I stop here, I am in pain already.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

International friendship is expressed in Haiti

A few days ago Mother Nature hit the nation of Haiti with a powerful earthquake. Seventy five percent of the Haiti buildings were demolished and the number of lost lives are somewhere in the region of 50,000 to 100,000. Some experts are even predicting a greater number. It is really sad and touching to see the poor people of Haiti suffering such a natural disaster which is glooming their life even more. Almost every family has lost the life of member or even more.

Our hearts are full with sympathy to the Haitians in their moments of shocking sorrow. As it was known in the news, many countries joined their rescue teams and helping aid to reach the devastated country. We must learn the lesson from many aspects of that event.

A natural disaster cannot be predicted and nations must learn to have ready rescue teams to provide an immediate answer regardless where it happened, regardless the race, religion, enmity, you name it. All countries teams must rush at once to that place in order to rescue the victims and provide them the fastest and best aid. In those moments we must forget our political, national and religious conflicts and unite to a single strong helping hand.

Beside the sadness of the Haiti disaster we can see how fast nations all over the world send their rescue teams, aid and donations. This is warming news. We still didn’t lost our human attributes and do care for the poor and helpless.

Such an event is demonstrating the “Friendship prior Peace”.

Exploring the web we can find so many information links about countries, nations, groups and individuals who are participating in the rescue efforts in Haiti. I’ve attached below some links in which you may find touching rescue stories beside the description of the hard work and efforts those teams are investing.,7340,L-3835327,00.html

Another lesson we need to learn from that is the need of friendship and stopping all wars between peoples, religions, sections and whatever it is. As humans we have so much to contribute each other and to save our planet. We are all God’s children. It is time to forget and forgive. If we forgive each other God will forgive us. Let's make peace our byproduct. Let's strive for friendship and practice peace at the end of the day.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mr. Anonymous Malaysian Jew story

Shalom Aleichem and Salamualaikum.

I received an interesting e-mail from a Malaysian Jew who was living and grew up there. I was asked by the Anonymous Malaysian Jew to publish his story. I'm overwhelmed and do it with great honor. The name is not published for personal reasons which I respect very much.
 I would like to encourage you Mr. Anonymous Malaysian Jew to complete your story with the describing of the place and people were you grew up. How were your daily relations? What was the reason you left Malaysia? We don't even know what your age is. Was your experience with the Malaysian the same for all Jews?
 I noticed recently that a Jewish family is still living in Kuala Lumpur. do you know about them?
 For me the history of the Malaya Jews is an non completed puzzle. I think your story can pour valuable light on their history. Through your individual story we can address the feelings of the errant Jew.
 Thank you very much for your unique story and for the honor you provided me to publish it.

I'm attaching below the story "as is" and quoted.
Shalom Ale...Dear Hanan.

I tried to post at the web page, but not successful.
So I send this to you , please post.

In the past few days, I have been bombarded with the thought by the remains of the past. I read your definition of Peace in the dictionary meaning. And I don’t deny this definition as not having the reality that we human beings have been striving to achieve. As it has been propounded that, peace promotes friendship and partnership, moreover definitions such as this is merely word and in reality a theory that need some practical application.

As a Malaysian Jew now living safely in Singapore, I am a little free to define certain aspects and the idealism of Peace from within my secret Jewishness. I think staying and living in Singapore, has been a blessing for me, I have the time to think about the definition of peace. There are many alternative pathways to peace. To Jews I think peace is both objective and a byproduct too. I am a Jew from Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. I grew up in a society that is very orthodox in ideas. I was surrounded by Muslims, Chinese, Indians, and Eurasians. Either they were loose or orthodox in their thoughts or their ways of live and living. Either they are tolerant or fanatic and extreme in their dealings.

As for me I began to understand peace from the Torah, that I discovered over the years. I have been studying my own pattern of thoughts and I have been discovering about my concept of peace. I must confess it is a pathway that it has two different roads. The world view and the torah view. The path of road that I see is one that is related to the torah. Peace in my mind is connected with the 13 divine attributes. As a Jew my peace is connected to the divine attributes, the 10 laws and 613 commandments. It is from these I see my identity. My identity is separate and distinct, from any others. I am not saying that my blood is blue but it is still red, but I have a special mission in this world. I understand this when I embrace the very work of creation of the first generations. I get to see it more clearly when I embrace the work of our generations of Hebrews. I embrace the Israel in Egypt and the departure of Israelites from Egypt. I embrace the details of Israelis in the wilderness. I see the issue on PEACE as you propounded, that PEACE IS OBJECTIVE or BYPRODUCT. This is so in the era of Judges, Kings and my Prophets.

The Era of Destruction of the First temple and the Peace within the Jewish hearts even when we mourn the lost and the era of the first and the Second temple. In between the First and Second temple we Jews have the PEACE in the structure and service and the deed s of the sages and seers of Judaism.

The Rabbis have been preaching PEACE and the divine attributes of PEACE throughout ages and the theme of PEACE continues to this date. It is from this theme the Israel that we have now is standing misunderstood and defamed and we Jews have been paying the price for our existence. Israel stands among the world and the nations of the world. It is in these rich history the land Israel stands, the language stands. The exile is experienced and the redemption is also experienced at the same time in the heart and mind of every Jew. These experiences are intimately connected to the Torah, the Talmud, the wisdom, the prophesy and the songs of the Israelite in Israel and the Israelite in the diasporas. The PEACE stands alive as we are alive in the Sabbath, in the feast and the high holidays, even in fasts. We embrace the The HOLY ONE, HaShem, Malek Olam, the merciful and the most compassionate. It is in this connection we Jews see the relationship between human being, humanity, and HaShem. I am just a simple Jew who wants to live like any human being.

We distinguish between GOOD and EVIL? Man and his deed and his needs, his house hold and the duty between man and man are inter-related. When we look at humanity from our Torah and Talmud, we see the traits and attitudes of mankind. In Malaysia I saw the peace and strive inter-related, charitable judgments and suspicions mingle. Reproof, flattery and hypocrisy enjoining. Slanders and defamations brewing against the forgotten Jews of Malaysia.

As a Jew I keep the wows and oath to my G-d. It is in this truth, I saw the other side, falsehood on the other side. I could not accept falsehood so I stood within my Torah. The Torah became my torah and I became part of the torah. From Singapore, I look at the Malaysian history , the structure, the state and the nation ,I only become silent by silence and my speech takes silence an pressed down by the pressure of shamefacedness and brazenness of the society of Malaysia. On the alternate, Singapore gives me the freedom to walk freely like a normal human being. Though it is so, I still stay alone so I take resignation and silent sufferings. This is my story of being a Jew from Malaysia in Singapore.

Peace in the world for a Hebrew/ Jew, endures on account of three things; on account of JUSTICE, TRUTH and PEACE. You see, the Holy One found no vessel that could contains Israel’s blessing except PEACE. As is said, ‘In the Lrd’s wish to give enduring strength to His people, the Lrd blessed His people with peace” But the system in Malaysia took away my peace and d I lived very silently and found peace through my torah and indeed Judaism teaches PEACE. But we Jews of Israel and the Jews of the Diaspora are misunderstood and pressed down for our Jewishness by systemic pressures.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Peace prior friendship or friendship prior peace

What does peace mean?

The simple dictionary translation is: “State of not being at war; silence, quietness; tranquility”. The question is: Can this create friendship? Obviously, among normal human society it may and do create friendship. Yes, peace promotes friendship and partnership.

When we think deeply about peace can we define it objectively and clearly? Can we know what it looks like at the end of the day? It is an abstract object. It is an abstract object since we are wishing to achieve but often we feel that it is not a reachable task.

This essay is trying to evaluate what peace means in the context of Israelis-Palestinians conflict, to find why after so long time and so many peace negotiations, no peace is found between the two sides. This essay is trying to suggest an alternative pathway, where peace is not the objective but a mere byproduct.

Peace which is agreed from a peace negotiation table, often is not reachable to the people in the streets of a shared town or country like Israel/Palestine, it is just a desire of those who are doing the negotiation. Often peace is interpreted differently on each side, thus the path undertaken by each side to achieve it is different and usually not complying each other.

In order to achieve this kind of peace, both sides are "enforced" unwillingly to abandon some or many of claims, assets, what so ever of the others. Since this acts of abandoning or compromising important assets is usually painful and consequently each side tend not to ignore them. In the event of a bitter war between two enemies, peace cannot healed completely those "wounds" resulting from the conflict. These "wounds" cannot be compromised since they may generate internal suffering and silent hatred.

If I'll take for example the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, we can see it follows the traditional definition of the dictionary as I defined above. But I'm asking myself: Is that the kind of peace which we really were dreaming of? The Egyptian media and papers are still spiced with Israel's hatred and in some cases with anti-Semitism (anti Jewish). Likewise some Israelis are behaving against the Egyptians as same but at a different scale (the scale magnitude is not the main factor). Yes, we have peace, but we don't have the friendship warmth. The friendship warmth is the insurance of the peace treaty. Without this warmth, the peace state is still fragile, weak and may vanish in the blink of an eye.

 Friendship prior and beyond, or prior peace dilemma?

People may have arguments about each other's opinion but these differences must not be used to weaken their argument instead to strengthen it. In relationship, those differences must be consolidated to enrich each other rather differentiate and destroy one other. The convergence of these differences must form a harmony of life like a good orchestra with many different notes from a variety of instruments.

Two arguing parties probably have more similarities than differences.
 Rather than beating ourselves and each other with differences, it makes more sense to search for common interest and similarities.
 We have much in common to share if we forgive each other and become moderate. We must inherit a communal interest and look for our own mistakes we committed and are still doing, instead of just looking microscopically at the mistakes of our enemy.

The problem is that mistakes are not forgiven among foes (bloody foes). Even more, those mistakes are increasing the hatred, bias and ignorance of each other. So many wars have been committed and continue so, only to preserve the mistakes and to increase the hatred for generations and till this particular moment.

What is more interesting, both sides are actually desperately looking for peace; each has its own version of peace. How can it be that two enemies are looking for peace in that parallel manner through so many peace conferences and meetings? Of course they cannot find the solution for such a long time because they are obsessed for the "peace" as an end solution, as an abstract object. This is the traditional approach – where peace is a non-reachable aim. Yes in the present circumstances, peace is not reachable as we have witnessed times and again in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

I am proposing a different aim.
Peace must not be the primer aim. Peace must become a byproduct of another nobler objective. What are both foes missing? They are missing friendship. They are missing to know each other on the very personal basis, from as simple as how we live, what we eat, how our mosque, synagogue, church or temple look like, what we like and dislike, cultures, arts, scientific interests, literatures and so the countless daily issues. We miss the chemistry between people. Who prevented them from such basic necessity of knowing each other? Politicians and political-religious clerics are brainwashing either by speeches or by the media. Both sides are not free from these negative influences even though the extent may be less or more within each group but these have some impact on both sides. People are easy to be brainwashed in any society since it is not built on rationalism but on emotions. Thus the ball of snow is rolling UP the hill from the angry people back to the leadership which drives them to make more mistakes and many more wars.

The moderates among us think a bit differently from the others. They want to learn and listen to the other. Their emotions to know each other are driving them to a good rationality towards a friendship. There are no friends that their friendship byproduct is not peace. Real friends have peace. Did they sign any peace treaty for that? No, this is the natural outcome of their friendship. Now, if they are real friends, even they have tough arguments, they are listening to each other and their compassion to each other drives them to forgive, compromise, tolerate and retract from extremism. It is very simple as they are not ignoring each other.

Any good engineer knows the trick to solve a problem is to think out of the box. Complicated problems cannot be solved traditionally. We need to involve some imagination, inventive thinking and creativity. The end of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinian, Jews and Muslims is not achievable without changing the present approach.

We must break the circle of violence caused by ignorance. It is up to the moderate people from both sides to harness the power friendship which we (Muslims and Jews) have so far largely ignored. We must stop that trains of inherited hatred from both sides from a fatal collision. We must create friendship prior peace.

This web blog is an open door for anyone (Jews and Muslims or anyone) who wants to post his/her thoughts and opinions. It is the blog for everyone to become a friend with the “enemy” or with the “friend” using the bridge of common interest from the simplest and naive issues in everyday lives between people in conflict. This web blog is for those people who want to become closer to each other. Anytime when we write our opinions we need to handle our words in a friendly manner.

The friendship torch

"Life is a network of mistakes and errors we must knit the holes by learning". We need to learn our own errors and mistakes first and then learn the other side errors and mistakes join forces and knit a firm friendly network of life.

"Every white paper has a black mark even it is microscopic and every blackboard has a small chalk marking which cannot be wiped". We are not clean of mistakes and sins even we may think we are the most rightful and the other is the most guilt. No one is saint and we are not God. Self criticism is not a shame and a weakness; it is strength of honor.

One sentence of wisdom cannot build what one sentence of foolishness can destroy. We must keep our talking sensibly and with sensitivity. One wrong saying may destroy a thousand of pages of friendship. We must not lose such a jewel for a single stupidity.

Peacemakers are not always inheriting friendship but friends inherit always peace. It is the time for a new page opening since I feel people are thirsty for the change. I think it is reachable even it is very naive.

